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5 columns

Summer Paradise
Foster Peters
AEB Travelling
La Closerie
[brands border="true" column="5"]
[brand title=”Summer Paradise” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”Foster Peters” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”AEB Travelling” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”FR” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”La Closerie” link=”#”][/brand]

6 columns

Summer Paradise
Foster Peters
AEB Travelling
La Closerie
Foster Peters
[brands border="false" column="6"]
[brand title=”Summer Paradise” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”Foster Peters” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”AEB Travelling” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”FR” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”La Closerie” link=”#”][/brand]
[brand title=”Foster Peters” link=”#”][/brand]


Here’re parameters of brands shortcode:

  • column: Number of columns you want your brands to display. Its value can be from 1 – 10. Default is 5.
  • bordertrue or false. To display brand border or not. Default is false.

Here’re parameters of the brand shortcode (brand is inside brands):

  • title: The title that appears when hover brand.
  • link: the URL that brand should link to
  • target: _self to open link in same tab, _blank to open link in a new tab. Default is _self.